When you think of the word quiet, what do you think of? Does internal or external quiet come to mind first? Quiet is my word for 2023. When I first told my best friend, she was confused because much of my work centers around speaking and conversation. I laughed and said, “No. Not as in me being quiet by not speaking. It seems like an invitation for internal quiet.” She agreed that this idea made much more sense.
My desire now is to be as still as the water in the photo. I want to be calm so I can respond to life, not react to it.
I seek internal quiet because it seems like the world has gone crazy and I don’t want that energy in my life. In my work with leaders, I hear story after story of how people feel that it’s acceptable to dump their emotional garbage on everyone around them (bosses, supervisors, colleagues, pastors, etc.), as if spreading it around is going to help. It’s not mulch or manure. When it comes to emotional stress and healing, dilution is not the solution.
With intentional self-discovery work, we can change our habits, mental chatter, and choices to more reflect who we want to be. If you’re looking to do some self-discovery work this year, schedule your free thirty-minute coaching session! Coaching helps open us up to our habits and motivations and then make choices to live more fully into our fulfillment and potential.
How do I want to grow personally and professionally this year?
What characteristics do I want to cultivate?
Stay curious friends!