Photo ID: eggs with facial emotions
One of the things I continue to find interesting in my work is how themes pop up with many of my clients at the same time. When COVID first happened in 2020, there was a lot of anger. I’ve had times where many people wanted to express their gratitude. In the past month I’ve noticed many people wondering what to do with strong emotions that seem at odds with one another.
Grief and joy.
Anger and gratitude.
Sadness and contentment.
Relief and frustration.
Many of us haven’t been taught what to do with conflicting emotions, and we often try to push one or both away. What if we didn’t ignore them? What if we let them speak and then let them go? What if we let both emotions live within us and in that tension of the both-and we allow ourselves to be fully alive?
Stay curious friends!
P.S. It’s not too late to sign up for the Enneagram Workshop in Carlisle on September 30! Click here (you will be directed to my other business’s website for registration).